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Committee Updates


You will all be aware by now that the maintenance contract for Chromata Lagoon has been terminated with Masterfix by mutual agreement and responsibility for managing the development will be officially transferred to the elected Committee on the 26th October. The latest Committee Newsletter gives an update on the progress.
It is vitally important that the Committee now receives the full support of all owners by paying Communal Fees on time so that the necessary bills can be paid and the maintenance of the site does not suffer in any way through lack of funds.
Please refer to the Payment Details document for full instructions on how to make your payment.

Regular updates will be posted on this website as progress continues, so please visit regularly for the latest news. If you have any specific questions, please email the committee.

May 2010

Well as the weather is beginning to warm up nicely in Cyprus, the Summer season is getting into full swing! Chromata Lagoon has been busy over the last few weeks and judging by comments from various owners many of us will be heading to the sun pretty soon.

You should by now have received the latest Chromata Lagoon Newsletter by email in which Shelley gives an update on what's been going on behind the scenes over the past couple of months.

One of the main concerns at the moment is that a number of owners still haven't paid their communal fees! It's easy to think that this doesn't affect you, but in fact it has a big impact on all owners, as Masterfix have to take any shortfall in communal fees from the funds reserved for painting and decorating the site. Ultimately, if insufficient funds are left when the time comes to do the painting, we will all have a very large bill to pay! If you haven't paid your fees, please help us all by doing so as soon as possible.

On a much more positive note, and following much effort from Kevin and Avramis, we now have street lighting around Chromata Lagoon. See Kevin's pictures here and here

In the newsletter you will also find details of this year's AGM which will be held on Sunday 8th August at 5pm. All of the current Committee positions will be up for re-election, so if anyone is interested in getting involved and contributing to how the development is managed, please get in touch

Following the various meetings between the Committee and Masterfix, you can now download the Minutes and agreed actions:

Owner/Committee meeting 6 March and Agreed Actions resulting from the subsequent Committee meeting with Masterfix and Giovani.

Meeting 15th April, which is in 2 pages - part 1 and part 2

Also, the latest Annual Form of Reporting from Masterfix which is a breakdown of the expenditure relating to the running maintenance of Chromata Lagoon.

As always, if you have something to say, or would just like something posted on the website, please email the committee. It would be nice to see a section for recommendations of places to visit, eat or best beaches...maybe you have an interesting or funny story to tell........well, you get the idea!

Thanks, Andy

January 2010

Happy New Year to all Chromata Lagoon owners!

The first piece of news to report for the New Year is that the Extraordinary General Meeting took place on 5th December in Kapparis. It proved quite a challenge getting responses from owners to the important issues on the agenda, which unfortunately resulted in a lower turnout than hoped for. However, following one unsuccesful attempt the meeting went ahead as planned and the minutes are now available to download here

Remember that the committee is here to represent all owners and it's important that everyone has their say. To help ensure that everyone is kept up to date with on-going matters as well as general communications, please help by notifying the Committee if your email address, postal address etc changes.




©Chromata Lagoon Committee