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August 2009

The interim committee are pleased to announce that the 1st AGM took place at Chromata Lagoon on 2nd August and this time was successful in electing a committee and representatives for the various blocks! Thanks to everyone who helped in making this happen.

To view the latest newsletter which has more details, please click here
Minutes of the AGM are available to download here

As always, if you have any comments or suggestions for the website please send an email

July 2009

AGM Update:

The interim committee have been working extremely hard in the background over the past few months to organise the 1st AGM and elect a committee. Please note that if you are not able to attend the AGM, it is essential that you give your proxy vote to another owner who can vote on your behalf. Without the minimum number of votes (ie not quorum), we cannot establish the committee and the whole process stalls. We need everyone's support to get past this crucial point. From then onwards, we can all relax a little and the committee can do its job running the development for us all to enjoy.
To view the latest newsletter which has details of the July AGM and committee elections, please click here

April 2009

Is it offically Spring now? Well, it looks like the weather has finally broken in Cyprus and although there are still some unsettled patches, on the whole temperatures are on the up!

The snagging list has now been updated so everyone can see the progress that's been made. It's worth mentioning that some of the issues had to be delayed due to the amount of rain that Cyprus has had over the winter.
Several owners have made a point of praising the work done by the new cleaning team, who have been doing an excellent job of maintaining the site in what have been particularly challenging weather conditions, so a big thanks to them!
On another point, the Committee have been asked to remind all owners not to dump large items by the bins on the road, as the refuse collectors aren't able to take them. Arrangements can be made with the council in Paralimni to collect anything that will not fit in the bins.

We are still looking for ways to promote this website and encouraging owners to give feedback on any improvements that can be made, so if you have any comments, please ::CONTACT COMMITTEE::

There are also plenty of owners who aren't aware that it's here, so please help us spread the word!

March 2009

The majority of fees have been received by Masterfix - thanks to everyone who has paid on time.
If yours is one of the few still outstanding, please help us all by settling your account as soon as possible.
Many of the items on the snagging list have been resolved - the snagging list
will be updated as soon as we have the latest information.

January 2009

Communal Fees for 2009 are now due.
Masterfix have now contacted all owners to notify that this year's fees are due by the end of February. These can be paid either by bank transfer or credit card over the phone. Check for any fees from your card provider before using this method!
If you haven't received details or need confirmation of the Masterfix bank account, please contact the Committee. Masterfix have requested that if you pay by bank transfer you must quote your apartment number when the transfer is made to enable them to identify your payment amongst all the others.
The rates for 2009 are:

    • 1 Bedroom Apartment €706.00
    • 2 Bedroom Apartment €824.00
    • 3 Bedroom Apartment €953.00

Please help by notifying the Committee if your email address, postal address etc changes.



©Chromata Lagoon Committee