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           Updates from the Committee

November 2012


Minutes of the 2012 AGM are now available to download here.

Following this year's elections, the Committee members and Block reps are now as follows:

Chairman - Andy Parsonage & Alex Boa (Joint)
Secretary - Fiona Bulcock
Treasurer - Dave Taylor
On-Site Liaison - Pat Porter
A Block Representative - Steve Lawson
B Block Representative
- Annie Reynolds
C Block Representative - Yiannis Odysseos
D/E Block Representative - Yiannis Odysseos
F Block Represenatative - Mick Woodhouse
G Block Representative - David McClean

September 2012

The Chromata Lagoon Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 29th September 2012, in the playground area at Chromata Lagoon.
The AGM will start promptly at 10.30am and will finish no later than 1.00pm

The Agenda for this year's AGM can be downloaded here

Following the request for nominations for this year's Committee elections, we have received the following nominations:

- Chairman - Andy Parsonage & Alex Boa (Joint Nomination)
- Secretary - Fiona Bulcock
- Treasurer - 1) Dave Taylor 2) Marianna Papathoma & Georgia Odysseos (Joint Nomination)
- On-Site Liaison - Pat Porter
- A Block Representative - Steve Lawson
- B Block Representative
- 1) Giannos Christodoulides 2) Annie Reynolds
- C Block Representative - Yiannis Odysseos
- D/E Block Representative - No nomination received
- F Block Represenatative - No nomination received
- G Block Representative - No nomination received

We now need everyone to vote for their preferred candidate for each position.


Voting forms are available HERE to download. Each owner can vote for their preferred candidate for every position. The Deadline for email voting isFriday 21st September 2012.

Please send your completed forms to the Committee email address


August 2012

Nominations are now invited for the following positions:

- Chairman*
- Secretary*
- Treasurer
- On-Site Liaison (permanent resident)
- Block Representatives – all Blocks (D/E combined)

Some of the current Committee Members (marked with an asterisk * above) are willing to stand for re-election, but that doesn't prevent anyone else from standing for any of the positions - any owner can stand for election. You can nominate either yourself or another owner using a nomination form.

Each nomination must be seconded by at least 1 other owner to be valid. You can download a nomination form here. (In Greek here). Completed forms should be sent by email to the Committee or you can give your completed form to Pat Porter, Apartment G5.

Nominations must be received NO LATER THAN 3rd September to be valid. The email address is – committee@chromatalagoon.com.
All nominations for Committee positions will be announced on 4th September 2012 along with full details of how to vote.

PLEASE VOTE when the nominations are announced! It's important that everyone has their say in how the complex is managed! All it takes is an email.

You can vote for your preferred candidate in one of 3 ways:

- in person at the AGM
- via email to the Committee
- by giving your proxy vote to someone attending the AGM to vote on your behalf. (Please complete a Proxy Vote Form (in Greek here) and give it to the person attending)

IMPORTANT: Any owner with Communal Fees outstanding for more than 4 months is NOT eligible to vote.

Any matters for inclusion on the agenda must be submitted to the Committee by 7th September.

Election of the Committee will be determined by vote at the AGM. In the event that only 1 candidate is nominated, no vote is required and the nominated candidate shall be declared elected. A majority of votes is required to elect Committee members. In the event that no candidate receives a majority, the candidate with the least votes shall be dropped and another vote held.

These details are also available on the Chromata Lagoon Facebook page

We look forward to seeing as many owners as possible at the meeting!

April 2012

*** Repair work on the pool balance tank and pumps was carried out during March - this has now been completed so we should see a reduction in chemical costs and the waterfall back in action! ***

Also, a plumber has been in to repair the water pump in the pool toilets/shower rooms - these are now fully functioning and will be open again for use throughout the season.

IPT/Sewage Charges

With the help of our solicitor we have been investigating the recent unexpected demand from Giovani for IPT and Sewage charges.
In brief, the solicitor has stated that this is a fairly common situation and he believes that based on the information provided, everything appears to be in order and the payments seem to be legitimate and justified. He also believes that Giovani appear to have been fair and are not charging any other fee on top of the tax due.

However, he did say that as he would prefer to see a further breakdown of the sewage fees before commenting further. As there is limited time and detail available, as a Committee we cannot recommend that owners make this payment, but broadly speaking, it appears that the charges are probably legitimate. Ultimately, it is for each owner to make the final decision.

A number of owners have queried the payments directly with Giovani, who have provided some further information as well as stating that they will take legal action against anyone failing to pay by the 20th April!

Here's the background detail:

Immovable Property Tax is derived from the property valuation as it would have been in 1980. Paralimni Municipality have estimated this value to be €1.85M for the whole development, and have issued an IPT claim to Giovani based on this. Giovani have then broken this charge down to each owner according to the size in square metres of each apartment. Note that each Contract of Sale has a clause that allows Giovani to reclaim this from the owner.

Once the individual Title Deeds are issued, the Municipality will provide a proper valuation for each apartment. The actual amount of IPT is then calculated, at which point any adjustments can be made. If no tax is due (which is likely for many of the smaller apartments) then each owner has to reclaim the amount paid from the local tax authority. Giovani will have to provide each owner with a receipt for the amounts paid to allow each owner to reclaim the tax.

This bizarre situation has come about largely due to the delay in the system in transferring title deeds to each owner.

Cleaning & Maintenance

As some of you know, Andy and Alex recently spent a few days at Chromata Lagoon reviewing existing contracts, creating a schedule of work that needed to be completed over the coming year and agreeing the work that needed to be completed on the pool. One immediate action following their return was a review of the provision of cleaning and maintenance services at Chromata Lagoon by the Committee.

As you may be aware, the contract with Flamingo Property Management expired at the end of 2011 and they have been providing cleaning and pool maintenance services on a rolling monthly basis. We were also recently advised by Flamingo that due to other commitments they would not be able to continue providing pool maintenance services and would aim to cease current arrangements at the end of March.

The Committee discussed the option of employing a new company to manage just the pool if Flamingo were to continue providing cleaning services, but for several reasons it will best serve all our interests to operate a single, inclusive contract.

The contract was therefore put out to tender to a number of Cypriot and English companies. The quotes received were reviewed against the available budget and service level requirements. Consideration was also given to feedback from owners.

Taking all these factors into account, a contract for all services has now been placed with Lee Property Services, based in Paralimni. This will run for 12 months, starting from 1st April.

We hope that together with the pool repair work undertaken, this will help ensure the smooth running of the complex. We would welcome any feedback or comments you may have so that we can keep Chromata Lagoon maintained to a high standard.

The first 2012 "Spring Newsletter" will go out shortly which has updates on the things happening around Chromata Lagoon. You can download a copy here. As always you can continue to see updates and catch up with other owners on the Facebook page as well as this website.

Non-payment of Communal Fees continues to be a problem and we still have quite a few owners who are ignoring the situation. Following advice from our solicitor and assistance from Giovani Developers, legal action is underway to recover the fees and we'll report back as progress continues. As mentioned previously, what is most astonishing is that some of these owners actually rent out their apartments - making money out of the facilities which they are not paying for! If you see anyone using the facilities at Chromata Lagoon who has not paid, or is using an apartment owned be someone who hasn't paid, then please feel free to challenge them or at the very least, let the Committee know!

Thank you for your continued support.

Remember that the committee is here to represent all owners and it's important that everyone has their say. To help ensure that everyone is kept up to date with on-going matters as well as general communications, please help by notifying the Committee if your email address, postal address etc changes.




©Chromata Lagoon Committee